Home Lifestyle Art Alley Cafe Review| One of My Favorite Old House Cafe | 藝風巷

Art Alley Cafe Review| One of My Favorite Old House Cafe | 藝風巷

by Diane 黛安
Published: Updated: 4.2K views

( The followings are full marks of 6 points)

Diane’s Overal Comment

🔼 Rating: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗

Art Alley Cafe not only owned beautiful surroundings, but had a serene atmosphere. It was suitable to work in the cafe for the whole afternoon.

In the Cafe…📸

Details of the Cafe

🔼 Suitable for working: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕

I gave it full marks! It was a cafe that would ask customers to keep their volumes down.

What’s more, the seats were spacious, and there was also plenty of sunlight in the cafe.

I had a great time here in the daytime.

🔼 Space

▫️Confort: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕

▫️Design: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕

There were enough spaces between the seats. Moreover, there was a high ceiling design, so you could feel comfortable in the cafe.

Art Alley Cafe was similar to a small gallery, since there were diligent decorations everywhere.

What’s more, there were a lot of books here, so you could get one and read it anytime!

🔼 Food

▫️Berry Creamy Ice Cream $130 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕

There was ice cream inside the bread, and it went well together!

The sweetness of the berry flavor was adequate, and I would like to try another flavor the next time.

The bread tasted like soufflé, and the fluffy texture tasted good.

🔼 Drinks

▫️Latte with Honey $140 🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑

Besides honey, there was also Cinnamon powder inside.

Though both fragrances were covered by the coffee. It also remained an astringent aftertaste, so maybe I would like to try other menu items next time.

I also thought that the fragrance of honey could stand out even more.

🔼 Information

▫️Minimum: One drink

▫️Electrical sockets: available

▫️Maximum stay: Unlimited time

▫️Open time: Sun. – Thu. 11:00-8:00 / Fri.-Sat. 11:00-10:00

▫️Location: Minquan West Road Station, Exit 5


▫️Music genre: sentiment English songs (e.g. Chet Baker – Born to be blue)

▫️Volume of music: low to moderate

▫️Style of customers: Working 90%; Chatting 10% (Visited at Tuesday 12:00)

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