I saw the cat as soon as I entered the cafe, and he was sooo cute! However, sometimes the kitty would sleep in the studio downstairs, so you might not see him for a long time.
LifestyleTaipei Work Cafe
Bei Fong She Review (with Menu)| Zhongshan Cafe Recommended to Visit | 北風社
by Diane 黛安by Diane 黛安It opens to midnight! Also, it is located at Zhongshan, where it is convenient to shop and dine together.
LifestyleTaipei Work Cafe
Art Alley Cafe Review| One of My Favorite Old House Cafe | 藝風巷
by Diane 黛安by Diane 黛安Art Alley Cafe not only owned beautiful surroundings, but had a serene atmosphere. It was suitable to work in the cafe for the whole afternoon.