Home StudiesParsonsApplication LIM College Interview Questions | LIM and Parsons Application Ep.6

LIM College Interview Questions | LIM and Parsons Application Ep.6

by Diane 黛安
Published: Updated: 5K views
LIM interview

Finally, time for the last stage of the application!

What are the interview questions for MPS fashion marketing at LIM College?

Please refer to the following 11 questions!

Let’s see how I submitted my IELTS score and undergraduate transcript online.

For people visiting the first time, these are the programs that I was admitted to.

LIM College Interview Questions

After I finished my interview, I only wrote it down in Mandarin. Thus, it may not be 100% the same, but it may still be a good reference!

The answers are also in short. Although I passed the interview, it’s important to think up your answer and show your passion!

1. How did I know LIM College? Did I apply to other schools?

I knew LIM College from the ranking of fashion business schools from BOF.

Just tell them how you knew LIM College!

I also said that I applied to Parsons School of Design.

2. What did I learn from my academic experience?

I first told them that I cultivated my ability in marketing. Next, I talked about my marketing projects in some courses and my roles in each group.

3. What did I learn from my work experience?

They asked me to talk about the jobs respectively. So be prepared to talk about all of your job experiences!

4. Why do I choose to study fashion marketing at LIM College?

These are the three main reasons:

  1. I’m a business student, and want to develop my ability particularly in the fashion industry.
  2. LIM College has a long history of fashion management courses, and also owns a lot of alumni connections and resources
  3. LIM College emphasizes practical experience such as an internship. At the same time, I’m the kind of person that learns better in real-world experience.

5. What is my short-term and long-term goal?

First, I would work hard to get an internship in companies that are related to the styling or rental business, which are the fields that I’m most interested in. For instance, Stitch Fix ad Rent the Runway.

As for my long-term goal, I hope to become a marketing manager in one of the best companies, and launch my own company in Asia one day,

(After I answered the question, the interviewer was also a big fan of Stitch Fix! That was amazing. We had a happy chat because of the company for few minutes. I was so lucky!!)

6. Which company do you want to intern in?

Of course, I mentioned Stitch Fix, and talked about why I’m interested in styling. If I didn’t seize the opportunity, Trunk Club would also be a good choice. (I feel like going to RTR the most currently tho. I was fascinated by the rental business model!!!)

7. What is the trend in the fashion industry?

This was a question out of my anticipation. Fortunately, I read fashion business news often, and talked about companies getting digital and the growing importance of sustainability.

8. Did fast fashion change our life?

I mentioned fast fashion in the previous answer, so the interviewer also asked more about the field.

I said yes. People are used to the fast-changing trend, and they are also pursuing various styles.

However, sustainability still matters. Thus there are lots of creative business models emerging, and these are what I’m most interested in.

9. Please talk about your strength and weakness.

It’s a little embarrassing to talk about my strength and weakness to you lol.

I consider my strength as easily getting along with others! I elaborated my personality by talking about the relationship with customers at ZARA.

My weakness might be making decisions less decisive. I make up for my weakness by discussing with more people though. It helps a lot.

What’s more, LIM provides resources for alumni connections and career services. This is what I’m looking for, and I believe that I would perform even better due to the culture of LIM College.

10. If you were admitted, are you planning to study in New York?

This might be a question due to COVID. Of course yes! I can’t wait to begin my new life in New York.

11. Do you have any questions?

I asked two questions:

(1) How were the internship opportunities during COVID?

So in March, lots of students lost their internships because of COVID. However, LIM asked CMOs from fashion companies to help conduct projects with students. Thus, students still got a portfolio upon graduation which helps to find a job.

(2) Do I have an opportunity to study styling in elective courses? Or am I only available to graduate courses that don’t provide styling classes?

In LIM, there are elective credits. It is limited to courses from other graduate programs. So indeed, I can’t take styling courses from undergraduate degrees. However, there are styling clubs! The interviewer also recommended me to join the club.

Interview Suggestions for International Students

1. Practice with someone beforehand

I thank my friend so much for helping with the interview this time.

Though we both were exhausted due to preparing for the application, she initiatively asked me if I need someone to practice the interview.

As an international student, after practicing with her once, I realized how important it was to practice an English interview with someone beforehand!

I’ve done lots of interviews in Mandarin in Taiwan, so I thought that I could practice myself.

However, speaking English in a tense situation is totally different. I didn’t know why, but I was so nervous in the simulation and did a bad job.

Though it only took about 10 minutes to practice with my friend beforehand, I performed totally differently in the real interview. It is hard to describe the different feelings before and after. If you are an international student, I really recommend you to find a friend and do a simulation!

2. Don’t try to memorize answers

As an international student, you may consider memorizing most of the ideal answers.

I discovered that it didn’t work at all after having a simulation of the interview with my friend.

You might look awkward if you try to memorize your answer. What’s more, if the question differs a bit from that you prepared, you may be messed up.

I suggest that you should still prepare some ideal answers, but don’t try to memorize every word of the whole paragraph. Remember the main points, and answer naturally in the interview!

3. Use the STAR model

You may be worried that if you don’t memorize your answer, will you talk rubbish during the interview?

STAR model is a good way to convey your idea clearly and logically. Please refer to the article below! I learned it from HR, and it is really helpful.

Other FAQs

1. When did I receive the request of an interview?

I submitted my application on 1/14, and got a request for an interview on 1/16!

In the letter, I could choose the date I was available. I wanted to finish the application process ASAP, so I chose 1/20 lol.

(I only think of one question now lol. If there are more questions, I would update the page!)

To Sum up…

The interviewer was so kind in the interview. I appreciated!

The man was the advisor that solved numerous problems of my application beforehand, so I felt closer with him because of the emails previously.

Besides, do not only prepare for the questions I mentioned above! There are a lot of frequently-asked interview questions online, and it would be better if you prepare for more materials.

The application finally comes to an end. I’ll tell you when I received the results in the next episode!

I also share my New York Life on Instagram @diane.style.tw. Follow me if interested!

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